The Peaceful Unification Advisory Council

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2024 Third Policy Meeting by Function

  • Participation Cooperation Division
  • 04-25-2024

2024 Third Policy Meeting by Function 

The PUAC held the "2024 3rd Policy Meeting by Function" on April 25 at the Kimdaejung Convention Center in Gwangju under the theme of "Roles and Tasks for Gathering Unification Energy in the Great Transformation Period of North-South Relations.”

The 3rd Policy Meeting by Function was held in the form of a 'policy meeting visiting each region' and drew PUAC council members from the Middle Region (Daejeon, Sejong, Chungbuk, Chungnam) and Southwest Region (Gwangju, Jeonbuk, Jeonnam, Jeju). About 70 PUAC council members from the functions of politics, public administration, legal affairs, and diplomacy and security attended the meeting and made in-depth discussions about each function’s preparation tasks and action plans for gathering unification energy.

The meeting proceeded in the order of a business report by Kim Jum-joon, Director of the Consultation and Advice Bureau, special lecture by Song Hyun-jin, Visiting Research Fellow at Ewha Womans University's Center for Unification Studies, a keynote lecture, group discussions, and presentations.


<Business Report and Special Lecture>

In the <Keynote Lecture>, Kim Il-ki, a research fellow at the Institute for National Security and Strategy, spoke about the reunification and North Korea policies and each function’s tasks of preparing for reunification. Then word quizzes were offered to help relearn what was presented in the lectures and increase understanding of unification. 


<Keynote Lecture and Unification Word Quiz>

In the group discussions that followed, participants divided into tables discussed policy issues of each function and concrete action plans. 


<Group Discussions and Policy Proposal Writing>

Finally, participants shared their ideas for policy proposals through group presentations.


<Group Presentation>

A vote selected "Unified DMZ Music Festival with K-pop" as the first prize, and "Going Together Partnership with Youth" won the second prize.


<1st and 2nd Prize-winning Group Policy Proposals>

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