The Peaceful Unification Advisory Council

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2024 Workshop for Women’s Standing Committee Chairs

  • South Region Division
  • 06-14-2024

2024 Workshop for Women’s Standing Committee Chairs

The PUAC 2024 Workshop for Women's Standing Committee Chairs was held at Jeju Shinhwa World from June 11 to 13, with about 230 people participating, including chairpersons of women’s committees of the provincial assemblies and local chapters. 

The workshop was held in conjunction with the '2024 Jeju Women's Conference' hosted by the Jeju Assembly. The event was full of substantial programs such as a keynote lecture by the executive vice-chairperson, a report from the Secretariat, a unification lecture, discussion and presentation of results, presentations and discussions, and cultural tours.

<Opening remarks by Kwon Ae-young, Vice-chairperson for Women / 

Welcoming remarks by Jeju Vice-chairperson Ko Chung-hong>


In the opening ceremony, Women’s Vice-chairperson Kwon Ae-young and Jeju Vice-chairperson Ko Chung-hong delivered greetings. Kwon said, "Women are good at embracing and communicating.” I hope you will take advantage of these strengths to become the main px-layers, not auxiliaries, of the work for unification, and make substantial discussions in the workshop. 


Jeju Vice-chairperson Ko Chung-hong welcomed the women members who came from all over the country and said, "Unification guaranteeing peace, freedom, and human rights is a historical national task. I hope that today's workshop will be a place for women to gather their minds and vow to take action for unification."

<Keynote lecture: Executive Vice-chairperson Kim Kwan-yong>

In the keynote lecture, Executive Vice-chairperson Kim Kwan-yong gave a lecture on the role of women for Peaceful Unification under the theme of 'Women Connecting Hearts and Acting'.

In the keynote lecture on 'Unification, North Korea Policy and the Role of Women,' Kim set the direction of the activities of the women's committees to resolve conflicts in South Korean society and support North Korean defectors to resettle in South Korea and abroad.

Kim said that unification holds the future vision for Korea's greater development. Kim, noting that younger generations are somewhat cynical and indifferent to unification, asked the women members to discover and nurture with a mother's heart young unification leaders who can lead the future. He also said that the role of women is crucial in overcoming the internal conflict in the South, and asked them to strive to transform conflict into reconciliation and achieve national integration by turning crises into opportunities.

<Report by the Secretariat of the PUAC: Chung Nam-soo, Director of Southern Region Division / 

Lecture on speech: former announcer Kim Hee-young> <Commemorative photo of the Executive Vice-chairperson>

<Group Discussions and presentations>

<Group Discussions and presentations>

<Special lecture: Kim Hee-jung, former Minister of Gender Equality and Family / Member of the National Assembly>

<Cultural tour to Marado, Jeju>

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